If you do not have a submitted application for the specific category, please click here to complete and submit your application. Once you have submitted an application, you may re-visit this job posting to apply. A submitted Sarasota County School District application does not indicate that you have applied for any specific job posting.
To apply for a specific job posting, click on Login, located in the top right corner of the page. Enter your WinOcular user name and password. You will then be in your WinOcular Workspace. Click on Search for a Job to be taken back to the Job Postings page. To apply for a job, click on the Posting number. Then click on To apply for this job click here.
When you successfully applied for the job posting the link will change to; You have successfully applied for this job. By applying via the Job Postings page, you are not required to re-submit your application each time you apply for a new vacancy.
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