FMP256 Flash Music Playhead :: Free Version

The playhead will be shown below, embedded into a section of random text. You can use this page as a basis for your own site, just open it in your normal web editor to extract the Javascript and Flash 'object' sections.

Playhead embedded using the Flash Stirfry technique

FMP256 Flash Music Playhead

To listen you must install Flash Player. Visit Draftlight Networks for more info.

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Change the playlist

These links use JavaScript to change the playlist without refreshing the HTML page:-

When you use JavaScript to change from the original playlist as specified in the configuration file, Skipjack tracks the new position but will not automatically reload the playlist when a new HTML page is loaded, as the JavaScript methods will permit dynamic combinations of tracks even for a static playlist. If the listener returns to the original playlist, Skipjack is reactivated.

Design-specific notes

The free design does not support the <color> tag or the use of skins. The standard dimensions of the playhead are 80 x 80. Full instructions on installing your playhead, creating a configuration file and changing the playhead startup schemes are given in the Documentation Folder.

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