Daily report for March 2018
Averages\Extremes for day :01

 Average temperature     = 73.8°F
 Average humidity        = 87%
 Average dewpoint        = 69.6°F
 Average barometer       = 1017.6 mb
 Average windspeed       = 6.1 mph
 Average gustspeed       = 9.3 mph
 Average direction       = 220° ( SW)
 Rainfall for month      = 0.00 in.
 Rainfall for year       = 0.00 in.
 Rainfall for day        = 0.00 in.
 Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 01 at time 00:00
 Maximum temperature     = 78.4°F on day 01 at time 14:57
 Minimum temperature     = 68.9°F on day 01 at time 06:24
 Maximum humidity        = 93% on day 01 at time 07:57
 Minimum humidity        = 77% on day 01 at time 11:12
 Maximum dewpoint        = 71.8°F on day 01 at time 16:18
 Minimum dewpoint        = 66.6°F on day 01 at time 4:18
 Maximum pressure        = 1018.6 mb on day 01 at time 22:04
 Minimum pressure        = 1016.4 mb on day 01 at time 04:45
 Maximum windspeed       = 15.0 mph on day 01 at time 12:18
 Maximum gust speed      = 24.2 mph  from 233 °( SW) on day 01 at time 12:00
 Daily wind run          = 146.2miles
 Maximum heat index      = 81.0°F on day 01 at time 14:57

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :1  :3  :2018

Averages\Extremes for day :02 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 73.6°F Average humidity = 77% Average dewpoint = 65.6°F Average barometer = 1018.5 mb Average windspeed = 6.2 mph Average gustspeed = 8.8 mph Average direction = 325° ( NW) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 0.00 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 02 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 80.0°F on day 02 at time 11:44 Minimum temperature = 58.0°F on day 02 at time 23:59 Maximum humidity = 93% on day 02 at time 06:49 Minimum humidity = 56% on day 02 at time 12:14 Maximum dewpoint = 71.7°F on day 02 at time 08:15 Minimum dewpoint = 59.3°F on day 02 at time 22:05 Maximum pressure = 1019.8 mb on day 02 at time 23:41 Minimum pressure = 1016.9 mb on day 02 at time 04:44 Maximum windspeed = 12.7 mph on day 02 at time 18:02 Maximum gust speed = 19.6 mph from 338 °(NNW) on day 02 at time 13:07 Daily wind run = 147.6miles Maximum heat index = 81.6°F on day 02 at time 11:44 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :2 :3 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :03 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 65.4°F Average humidity = 50% Average dewpoint = 44.8°F Average barometer = 1019.6 mb Average windspeed = 8.3 mph Average gustspeed = 11.3 mph Average direction = 348° (NNW) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 0.00 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 03 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 77.2°F on day 03 at time 09:31 Minimum temperature = 52.0°F on day 03 at time 23:59 Maximum humidity = 83% on day 03 at time 00:18 Minimum humidity = 19% on day 03 at time 15:20 Maximum dewpoint = 59.9°F on day 03 at time 00:18 Minimum dewpoint = 31.3°F on day 03 at time 14:00 Maximum pressure = 1021.6 mb on day 03 at time 10:31 Minimum pressure = 1017.7 mb on day 03 at time 15:56 Maximum windspeed = 16.1 mph on day 03 at time 08:43 Maximum gust speed = 20.7 mph from 270 °( W ) on day 03 at time 14:23 Daily wind run = 198.1miles Maximum heat index = 77.8°F on day 03 at time 15:25 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :3 :3 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :04 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 62.7°F Average humidity = 47% Average dewpoint = 39.5°F Average barometer = 1019.5 mb Average windspeed = 6.3 mph Average gustspeed = 9.1 mph Average direction = 21° (NNE) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 0.00 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 04 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 74.4°F on day 04 at time 15:21 Minimum temperature = 49.7°F on day 04 at time 23:59 Maximum humidity = 76% on day 04 at time 07:11 Minimum humidity = 22% on day 04 at time 17:01 Maximum dewpoint = 47.0°F on day 04 at time 00:03 Minimum dewpoint = 31.9°F on day 04 at time 13:29 Maximum pressure = 1021.3 mb on day 04 at time 09:17 Minimum pressure = 1017.4 mb on day 04 at time 16:19 Maximum windspeed = 16.1 mph on day 04 at time 10:38 Maximum gust speed = 21.9 mph from 05 °( N ) on day 04 at time 10:59 Daily wind run = 152.2miles Maximum heat index = 76.5°F on day 04 at time 19:25 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :4 :3 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :05 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 61.6°F Average humidity = 62% Average dewpoint = 47.3°F Average barometer = 1018.5 mb Average windspeed = 5.7 mph Average gustspeed = 8.7 mph Average direction = 339° (NNW) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 0.00 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 05 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 71.8°F on day 05 at time 06:28 Minimum temperature = 49.6°F on day 05 at time 06:53 Maximum humidity = 86% on day 05 at time 07:00 Minimum humidity = 30% on day 05 at time 11:58 Maximum dewpoint = 51.9°F on day 05 at time 21:12 Minimum dewpoint = 38.3°F on day 05 at time 11:58 Maximum pressure = 1020.0 mb on day 05 at time 00:02 Minimum pressure = 1017.2 mb on day 05 at time 14:48 Maximum windspeed = 13.8 mph on day 05 at time 14:55 Maximum gust speed = 18.4 mph from 296 °(WNW) on day 05 at time 13:25 Daily wind run = 137.8miles Maximum heat index = 77.5°F on day 05 at time 18:31 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :5 :3 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :06 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 65.0°F Average humidity = 73% Average dewpoint = 56.0°F Average barometer = 1016.6 mb Average windspeed = 5.4 mph Average gustspeed = 8.4 mph Average direction = 189° ( S ) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 0.00 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 06 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 72.2°F on day 06 at time 10:04 Minimum temperature = 53.4°F on day 06 at time 07:08 Maximum humidity = 84% on day 06 at time 23:59 Minimum humidity = 56% on day 06 at time 10:05 Maximum dewpoint = 65.7°F on day 06 at time 23:58 Minimum dewpoint = 48.0°F on day 06 at time 5:01 Maximum pressure = 1018.3 mb on day 06 at time 09:44 Minimum pressure = 1014.8 mb on day 06 at time 20:07 Maximum windspeed = 13.8 mph on day 06 at time 14:56 Maximum gust speed = 21.9 mph from 163 °(SSE) on day 06 at time 22:24 Daily wind run = 129.8miles Maximum heat index = 76.6°F on day 06 at time 09:47 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :6 :3 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :07 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 67.6°F Average humidity = 65% Average dewpoint = 54.5°F Average barometer = 1015.8 mb Average windspeed = 9.9 mph Average gustspeed = 14.4 mph Average direction = 306° ( NW) Rainfall for month = 0.07 in. Rainfall for year = 0.07 in. Rainfall for day = 0.07 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 07 at time 07:09 Maximum temperature = 71.2°F on day 07 at time 06:12 Minimum temperature = 61.7°F on day 07 at time 23:48 Maximum humidity = 90% on day 07 at time 05:09 Minimum humidity = 38% on day 07 at time 13:23 Maximum dewpoint = 67.8°F on day 07 at time 05:24 Minimum dewpoint = 42.5°F on day 07 at time 13:23 Maximum pressure = 1018.2 mb on day 07 at time 21:28 Minimum pressure = 1012.8 mb on day 07 at time 04:09 Maximum windspeed = 19.6 mph on day 07 at time 05:11 Maximum gust speed = 26.5 mph from 327 °(NNW) on day 07 at time 07:14 Daily wind run = 236.6miles Maximum heat index = 77.5°F on day 07 at time 14:35 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :7 :3 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :08 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 60.3°F Average humidity = 59% Average dewpoint = 45.9°F Average barometer = 1019.1 mb Average windspeed = 9.5 mph Average gustspeed = 13.7 mph Average direction = 325° ( NW) Rainfall for month = 0.07 in. Rainfall for year = 0.07 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 08 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = 64.5°F on day 08 at time 00:21 Minimum temperature = 49.9°F on day 08 at time 23:57 Maximum humidity = 66% on day 08 at time 23:28 Minimum humidity = 51% on day 08 at time 08:39 Maximum dewpoint = 52.0°F on day 08 at time 00:21 Minimum dewpoint = 38.5°F on day 08 at time 08:39 Maximum pressure = 1021.0 mb on day 08 at time 09:32 Minimum pressure = 1016.5 mb on day 08 at time 03:01 Maximum windspeed = 16.1 mph on day 08 at time 14:49 Maximum gust speed = 25.3 mph from 320 °( NW) on day 08 at time 07:11 Daily wind run = 224.0miles Maximum heat index = 64.5°F on day 08 at time 00:21 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :8 :3 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :09 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 58.2°F Average humidity = 58% Average dewpoint = 42.4°F Average barometer = 1021.0 mb Average windspeed = 5.0 mph Average gustspeed = 7.3 mph Average direction = 334° (NNW) Rainfall for month = 0.07 in. Rainfall for year = 0.07 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 09 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = 69.3°F on day 09 at time 09:23 Minimum temperature = 49.6°F on day 09 at time 07:04 Maximum humidity = 82% on day 09 at time 06:40 Minimum humidity = 28% on day 09 at time 14:18 Maximum dewpoint = 47.2°F on day 09 at time 22:52 Minimum dewpoint = 33.9°F on day 09 at time 14:10 Maximum pressure = 1022.8 mb on day 09 at time 10:10 Minimum pressure = 1019.7 mb on day 09 at time 15:25 Maximum windspeed = 15.0 mph on day 09 at time 09:11 Maximum gust speed = 18.4 mph from 051 °( NE) on day 09 at time 10:33 Daily wind run = 114.9miles Maximum heat index = 77.2°F on day 09 at time 14:24 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :9 :3 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :10 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 60.9°F Average humidity = 80% Average dewpoint = 54.4°F Average barometer = 1017.7 mb Average windspeed = 4.8 mph Average gustspeed = 7.6 mph Average direction = 137° ( SE) Rainfall for month = 0.30 in. Rainfall for year = 0.30 in. Rainfall for day = 0.23 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 10 at time 18:09 Maximum temperature = 73.0°F on day 10 at time 13:19 Minimum temperature = 48.5°F on day 10 at time 06:30 Maximum humidity = 92% on day 10 at time 23:57 Minimum humidity = 58% on day 10 at time 12:08 Maximum dewpoint = 63.0°F on day 10 at time 16:11 Minimum dewpoint = 43.6°F on day 10 at time 2:43 Maximum pressure = 1020.8 mb on day 10 at time 00:12 Minimum pressure = 1014.5 mb on day 10 at time 23:00 Maximum windspeed = 17.3 mph on day 10 at time 10:46 Maximum gust speed = 23.0 mph from 167 °(SSE) on day 10 at time 10:48 Daily wind run = 111.0miles Maximum heat index = 76.4°F on day 10 at time 11:50 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :10 :3 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :11 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 68.7°F Average humidity = 89% Average dewpoint = 65.4°F Average barometer = 1012.9 mb Average windspeed = 4.2 mph Average gustspeed = 6.8 mph Average direction = 190° ( S ) Rainfall for month = 0.30 in. Rainfall for year = 0.30 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 11 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = 76.6°F on day 11 at time 16:08 Minimum temperature = 62.2°F on day 11 at time 04:01 Maximum humidity = 94% on day 11 at time 10:51 Minimum humidity = 77% on day 11 at time 16:08 Maximum dewpoint = 69.7°F on day 11 at time 16:52 Minimum dewpoint = 59.9°F on day 11 at time 0:58 Maximum pressure = 1014.8 mb on day 11 at time 00:02 Minimum pressure = 1010.7 mb on day 11 at time 18:26 Maximum windspeed = 10.4 mph on day 11 at time 16:34 Maximum gust speed = 16.1 mph from 166 °(SSE) on day 11 at time 16:54 Daily wind run = 093.2miles Maximum heat index = 78.1°F on day 11 at time 16:08 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :11 :3 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :12 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 66.6°F Average humidity = 82% Average dewpoint = 60.7°F Average barometer = 1012.2 mb Average windspeed = 9.3 mph Average gustspeed = 13.5 mph Average direction = 303° (WNW) Rainfall for month = 0.33 in. Rainfall for year = 0.33 in. Rainfall for day = 0.02 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 12 at time 15:25 Maximum temperature = 71.3°F on day 12 at time 01:27 Minimum temperature = 54.0°F on day 12 at time 23:57 Maximum humidity = 94% on day 12 at time 02:49 Minimum humidity = 62% on day 12 at time 16:20 Maximum dewpoint = 69.5°F on day 12 at time 01:27 Minimum dewpoint = 47.5°F on day 12 at time 23:54 Maximum pressure = 1017.7 mb on day 12 at time 23:56 Minimum pressure = 1008.8 mb on day 12 at time 05:15 Maximum windspeed = 18.4 mph on day 12 at time 18:31 Maximum gust speed = 26.5 mph from 338 °(NNW) on day 12 at time 18:07 Daily wind run = 215.3miles Maximum heat index = 71.0°F on day 12 at time 11:04 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :12 :3 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :13 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 54.8°F Average humidity = 65% Average dewpoint = 42.8°F Average barometer = 1019.1 mb Average windspeed = 7.4 mph Average gustspeed = 10.3 mph Average direction = 329° (NNW) Rainfall for month = 0.33 in. Rainfall for year = 0.33 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 13 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = 60.3°F on day 13 at time 12:51 Minimum temperature = 48.1°F on day 13 at time 04:07 Maximum humidity = 78% on day 13 at time 23:57 Minimum humidity = 42% on day 13 at time 12:21 Maximum dewpoint = 47.8°F on day 13 at time 00:29 Minimum dewpoint = 33.8°F on day 13 at time 11:20 Maximum pressure = 1020.9 mb on day 13 at time 10:55 Minimum pressure = 1017.7 mb on day 13 at time 00:01 Maximum windspeed = 16.1 mph on day 13 at time 16:02 Maximum gust speed = 20.7 mph from 321 °( NW) on day 13 at time 18:14 Daily wind run = 172.0miles Maximum heat index = 60.3°F on day 13 at time 14:31 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :13 :3 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :14 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 56.7°F Average humidity = 67% Average dewpoint = 45.1°F Average barometer = 1020.3 mb Average windspeed = 7.1 mph Average gustspeed = 10.1 mph Average direction = 320° ( NW) Rainfall for month = 0.33 in. Rainfall for year = 0.33 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 14 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = 63.0°F on day 14 at time 11:47 Minimum temperature = 48.0°F on day 14 at time 06:42 Maximum humidity = 89% on day 14 at time 08:02 Minimum humidity = 44% on day 14 at time 17:50 Maximum dewpoint = 50.6°F on day 14 at time 09:52 Minimum dewpoint = 39.3°F on day 14 at time 17:50 Maximum pressure = 1021.6 mb on day 14 at time 11:01 Minimum pressure = 1018.6 mb on day 14 at time 03:43 Maximum windspeed = 18.4 mph on day 14 at time 15:50 Maximum gust speed = 27.6 mph from 263 °( W ) on day 14 at time 13:16 Daily wind run = 164.9miles Maximum heat index = 63.0°F on day 14 at time 12:41 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :14 :3 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :15 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 57.7°F Average humidity = 59% Average dewpoint = 42.5°F Average barometer = 1021.6 mb Average windspeed = 4.9 mph Average gustspeed = 7.1 mph Average direction = 317° ( NW) Rainfall for month = 0.33 in. Rainfall for year = 0.33 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 15 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 66.5°F on day 15 at time 12:45 Minimum temperature = 46.0°F on day 15 at time 07:51 Maximum humidity = 86% on day 15 at time 08:05 Minimum humidity = 32% on day 15 at time 12:54 Maximum dewpoint = 45.6°F on day 15 at time 20:24 Minimum dewpoint = 34.1°F on day 15 at time 12:27 Maximum pressure = 1023.8 mb on day 15 at time 11:06 Minimum pressure = 1019.9 mb on day 15 at time 16:45 Maximum windspeed = 11.5 mph on day 15 at time 16:53 Maximum gust speed = 16.1 mph from 270 °( W ) on day 15 at time 16:54 Daily wind run = 115.9miles Maximum heat index = 66.5°F on day 15 at time 12:49 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :15 :3 :2018
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Averages\Extremes for the month of March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Average temperature = 63.6°F Average humidity = 68% Average dewpoint = 51.8°F Average barometer = 1018.1 mb Average windspeed = 6.7 mph Average gustspeed = 9.8 mph Average direction = 314° ( NW) Rainfall for month = 0.327 in. Rainfall for year = 18.083 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.010 in on day 10 at time 18:09 Maximum temperature = 80.0°F on day 02 at time 11:44 Minimum temperature = 46.0°F on day 15 at time 07:51 Maximum humidity = 94% on day 12 at time 02:49 Minimum humidity = 19% on day 03 at time 15:20 Maximum dewpoint = 71.8°F on day 01 at time 16:18 Minimum dewpoint = 31.3°F on day 03 at time 14:00 Maximum pressure = 1023.8 mb on day 15 at time 11:06 Minimum pressure = 1008.8 mb on day 12 at time 05:15 Maximum windspeed = 19.6 mph from 327°(NNW) on day 07 at time 05:11 Maximum gust speed = 27.6 mph from 315°( NW) on day 14 at time 13:16 Maximum heat index = 81.6°F on day 02 at time 11:44 Avg daily max temp :71.3°F Avg daily min temp :53.3°F Total windrun = 2359.4miles ------------------------------------------ Day, Sunshine hours, ET, max solar, max uv ------------------------------------------ 01 09:18hrs ,ET :0.150 in. ,838.0 W/m² ,6.7 uv 02 06:12hrs ,ET :0.134 in. ,962.0 W/m² ,6.9 uv 03 10:36hrs ,ET :0.217 in. ,884.0 W/m² ,6.8 uv 04 10:30hrs ,ET :0.209 in. ,879.0 W/m² ,6.6 uv 05 10:30hrs ,ET :0.177 in. ,851.0 W/m² ,6.4 uv 06 10:12hrs ,ET :0.161 in. ,863.0 W/m² ,6.7 uv 07 02:54hrs ,ET :0.177 in. ,932.0 W/m² ,6.7 uv 08 06:36hrs ,ET :0.165 in. ,1034.0 W/m² ,7.0 uv 09 10:30hrs ,ET :0.157 in. ,902.0 W/m² ,6.3 uv 10 01:18hrs ,ET :0.079 in. ,540.0 W/m² ,4.3 uv 11 05:48hrs ,ET :0.161 in. ,947.0 W/m² ,7.3 uv 12 02:24hrs ,ET :0.098 in. ,851.0 W/m² ,6.6 uv 13 10:42hrs ,ET :0.157 in. ,970.0 W/m² ,6.8 uv 14 10:42hrs ,ET :0.150 in. ,914.0 W/m² ,7.0 uv 15 11:00hrs ,ET :0.150 in. ,926.0 W/m² ,7.2 uv Sunshine hours month to date= 118:54 hrs Sunshine hours year to date= 2036:05 hrs ----------------------------------- Daily rain totals ----------------------------------- 00.07 in. on day 7 00.23 in. on day 10 00.02 in. on day 12