Record high temperature 94.6 °F  Record low temperature 29.5 °F  Record high gust 54.1 mph  Record high average 38.4 mph  Record daily rain 4.40 in.  Record low windchill 14.7 °F  Record high barometer 1035.9 mb  Record low barometer 1035.9 mb
Daily high pressure 1028.9 mb   Daily low pressure 1026.4 mb   Daily low windchill 51.1 °F   Daily high heat index 66.1 °F   Daily high gust speed 13.0 mph NE  Daily high average speed 10.4 mph  
Forecast: mostly clear with little temp. change.
Weather Data
LAST READING AT TIME: 10:20 AM DATE: 1/11/2017
Current Weather
Current Temperature
(Heat Index 66.1°F ),
Apparent temp 66.7°F,
Apparent temp solar 74.9°F
Maximum Temperature
(since midnight)
66.1°F at: 10:19 AM
Minimum Temperature
(since midnight)
56.1°F at: 6:22 AM
Average windspeed (ten minute)
5.2 mph
Wind Direction
(ten minute)
ENE (63 °)
Heat Index /
Wind Chill
66.1°F / 66.1°F
Maximum Gust
(last hour)
11.5 mph E
Maximum Gust (since midnight)
13.0 mph at: 4:43 AM
Maximum 1 minute average
(since midnight)
10.4 mph
Rainfall (last hour)
0.00 (0.0mm)
(since midnight)
0.00 in. (0.0mm)
Rainfall This month
0.59 in. (14.9mm)
Rainfall To date this year
0.59 in. (14.9mm)
Maximum rain per minute (last hour)
0.00 in./min
Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours)
0.00 in.
Yesterdays rainfall
0.00 in.
Last Recorded Rainfall Today
Current Rain Rate
0.00 inches/hour
Maximum Rain Rate Today
0.000 inches/hour at: 00:00 AM
Current Rain Episode Duration
0 Minutes
Consecutive Days with no Rain
3 Days
Barometric Pressure corrected to msl
1028.9 mb
Dew Point
59.0°F (Wet Bulb 61.9 °F)
Pressure change
+0.5 mb (last hour)
Pressure change (last 12 hours)
+0.3 mb
Pressure change (last 6 hours)
+1.6 mb
Current solar
424 W/m2
Current UV
Maximum solar (since midnight)
570 W/m2 at: 10:14 AM
Maximum UV
(since midnight)
2.2 at 9:53 AM
Current 01:56 hours of sunshine today, current sky: Sunny/Dry
Sunshine hours for the year:
49:11 hrs
Sunshine hours for the month:
49:11 hrs
Sunrise time:
7:20 am
Sunset time:
5:55 pm
Current evapotranspiration 0.028 inches per day.

Yesterday's reading 0.055 inches per day.

Current UTC Time:  15:20