Record high temperature %recordhightemp% °F  Record low temperature %recordlowtemp% °F  Record high gust %recordwindgust% mph  Record high average %recordwindspeed% mph  Record daily rain %recorddailyrain% in.  Record low windchill %recordlowchill% °F  Record high barometer %recordhighbaro% mb  Record low barometer %recordhighbaro% mb
Daily high pressure %highbaro%   Daily low pressure %lowbaro%   Daily low windchill %minwindch%   Daily high heat index %maxheat%   Daily high gust speed %maxgst% %maxgstdirectionletter%  Daily high average speed %maxavgspd% %maxavgdirectionletter% 
Forecast: %vpforecasttext%
Weather Data
LAST READING AT TIME: %time% DATE: %date% ,Time of next update: %timeofnextupdate%
Current Weather %weathercond% Current Temperature %temp% (Heat Index %heati% ),
Apparent temp %apparenttemp%°F,
Apparent temp solar %apparentsolartemp%°F
Maximum Temperature
(since midnight)
%maxtemp% at: %maxtempt% Minimum Temperature
(since midnight)
%mintemp% at: %mintempt%
Average windspeed (ten minute) %avtenminutewind% Wind Direction
(ten minute)
%dirlabel% (%dirdeg%)
Heat Index /
Wind Chill
%heati% / %windch% Maximum Gust
(last hour)
Maximum Gust (since midnight) %maxdailygustinmph% mph at: %maxgstt% Maximum 1 minute average
(since midnight)
Rainfall (last hour) %hourrn% (%rainlasthourmm%mm) Rainfall
(since midnight)
%dayrnusa% (%todayraininmm%mm)
Rainfall This month %monthrn% (%monthraininmm%mm) Rainfall To date this year %yearrn% (%yearlyraininmm%mm)
Maximum rain per minute (last hour) %maxrain/minlasthour% Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours) %maxrain/hourlast6hours%
Yesterdays rainfall %ystdyrain% Last Recorded Rainfall Today %timeoflastrain%
Current Rain Rate %currentrainrate% inches/hour Maximum Rain Rate Today %maxrainrate% inches/hour at: %maxrainratetime%
Current Rain Episode Duration %rainduration% Minutes Consecutive Days with no Rain %dayswithnorain% Days
Barometric Pressure corrected to msl %baro% Trend %pressuretrendname%
Humidity %hum%% Humidex %humidexfaren%
Dew Point %dew% (Wet Bulb %wetbulb%) Pressure change %pressurechangehourinmb% mb (last hour)
Pressure change (last 12 hours) %pressurechange12hourinmb% mb Pressure change (last 6 hours) %pressurechange6hourinmb% mb
Current solar %VPsolar% W/m2 Current UV %VPuv%
Maximum solar (since midnight) %highsolar% W/m2 at: %highsolartime% Maximum UV
(since midnight)
%highuv% at %highuvtime%
Current %sunshinehourstodateday% hours of sunshine today, current sky: %Currentsolardescription%
Sunshine hours for the year: %sunshinehourstodateyear% hrs Sunshine hours for the month: %sunshinehourstodatemonth% hrs
Sunrise time: %sunrise% Sunset time: %sunset%
Current evapotranspiration %currentwdet% inches per day.

Yesterday's reading %yesterdaywdet% inches per day.

Current UTC Time:  %utctime-hour%:%utctime-minute%